Car accident injuries can be devastating and could affect your quality of life and ability to work long after the initial injury. Unfortunately, receiving compensation from the driver or his/her injury can be frustrating and stressful, especially when suffering through physical and emotional pain. Sometimes injured victims settle quickly, for less than what they are entitled to, because they are wore out by the process, or because they are not aware of the legal extent of their damages.Johnson Bearse, LLP has extensive experience representing victims of driver negligence. We will use that experience to provide you with a balanced and frank assessment of your case. Cases are often settled without the cost and stress of a court trial. However, some times the driver, or his/her insurance company, is not willing to accept a fair offer. Regardless of whether the case is settled or goes to trial, you can trust that our firm will vigorously pursue the recovery that you are entitled to.  If you have recently been in a car wreck, call Johnson Bearse, LLP today.  Time is of the essence in cases involving car accidents, so don’t delay!
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