Child Custody issues require a holistic approach.  You will want to be sure that your rights are being protected, but that your child’s emotional, physical and financial needs are being met at the same time.  Our office will ensure that we are aggressively protecting your rights as a parent, while also being careful to protect your children from the process as much as possible.  We have vast experience with regard to issues of custody, timesharing/visitation schedules and cooperative parenting approaches, including those cases with inter-state issues. We also handled cases involving third-party custody and visitation, including grandparent visitation.  We know that every family is different and strive to help you find solutions that work for your family.

Please contact us for a consultation today.  To prepare for your consultation, please see our “client forms” section, which will provide you with documents to complete prior to your visit to make our meeting more productive.

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